
 Am I doing it right? Homeschooling is harder than I thought!!


Where do I start? How do i put structures in place to make sure that everything works for me. I know as a single mother putting together learning for my children, can be really difficult. 

How can I make sure that I can fill myself in a way that I can still allow my children to excell.


Everythings Education is here to support families and this is why we have created this forum to talk about the challenges and the things that you can put in place 

Elaine will share from the perspective of a mother and Ben will speak from an educator. 




Elaine Cunningham-Walker

Mother to 2 of the top 20 Brightest Children in the UK. Elaine knows exactly what you need to get your child to the top of the class. 

This time during lockdown I want to support you with just being ready with your children. 

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Bennjamyn Smith 

Bennjamyn is a Headmaster of a London Independent and International School. He is experienced as a teacher and will help you implement strategies to help with your child's learning.